Armenian Memorial (Congregational) Church
Seeks Worship Service Accompanist
32 Bigelow Avenue Watertown, MA 02472
Conveniently located 1 block from the #71 bus line between Harvard and Watertown Squares.
Responsibilities include:
Play piano for Sunday morning worship service at 10:30 AM (10 AM during summer; but not needed every Sunday). Sunday morning rehearsals are generally at 9:30, but could be as early as 9 AM. Accompany congregational hymns, choir, solos, duets, instrumentalists, etc. The ability to play a two-manual tracker pipe organ, for certain parts of the service, would be a desired plus.
Have an interest in working with amateur choir, amateur worship band, and be comfortable playing traditional and contemporary sacred literature, able to play sheet music and lead sheets.
Coordinate, and occasionally rehearse, with music/choir director, who plans for and provides music selections.
Select and play preludes and postludes. Occasionally select and play offertories that complement the Sunday’s scripture and sermons. Inform church office of titles and composers to be printed in the Sunday program.
Accompany weekday evening choir rehearsals, which could be up to once a month, but have tended to be focused before Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and other special services.
Play for occasional additional rehearsals with solos, duets, instrumentalists, etc. Rehearsals for special music are flexible, based on availability, but every effort is made for these rehearsals to be before or after choir rehearsals or after worship service on Sundays.
Practice and be prepared for all rehearsals and services.
Play special services such as Christmas Eve and Maundy Thursday, for additional compensation.
Play weddings and funerals, as needed, with compensation negotiated directly with parishioners.
Inform Music Director and Music Committee when the instruments need tuning and/or repair.
Provide at least 21 days advance notice of needing a Sunday off, or of resigning from the position. Assist Music Director and Music Committee in finding a suitable substitute.
Time off is not compensated.
Sept – June, with need for some summer Sundays
Starting September 2024
Salary: $240/week
Please submit resume and references to the Music Committee: music@amcwatertown.org